Soul- Centered Synergy Training Seminar:
Quantum Synergy
Personal Discovery * Productivity * Connection Synergy
Soulful Personality & Interaction Style Strategy
With Mrs. Rochel Schmukler
4 Tuesdays July 7- 28, 2015
10:00- 11:30 am
Tuition: $150
Participants will experience processes that have proved effective in assisting thousands of students in positively transforming their lives as they learn how to relate with themselves and others within the context of Spiritual Synergy.
Including Strategies for:
Quantum Synergy
Personal Discovery * Productivity * Connection Synergy
Soulful Personality & Interaction Style Strategy
With Mrs. Rochel Schmukler
4 Tuesdays July 7- 28, 2015
10:00- 11:30 am
Tuition: $150
Participants will experience processes that have proved effective in assisting thousands of students in positively transforming their lives as they learn how to relate with themselves and others within the context of Spiritual Synergy.
Including Strategies for:
- Self- Knowledge & Awareness
- Valuing Our Selves; Valuing Each Other
- Meeting our Personality Needs in order to Serve Hashem more fully
- Quantum Productivity
- A Glimpse into the World of Each Other
- Self- Education
- Puzzle Pieces of Connection
- Experience how a Soul-Centered approach automatically results in more Love, Joy, Compassion, Acceptance, Peace, and Happiness.